So what is fermentation? Fermentation is basically explained as using yeast to break down sugars and turn them into alchol. This process is also used when food rots in nature. Now, instead of letting nature handle making alchoholic beverages, humans have developed a more controlled system. This process is usually handled in a brewery, where yeast breaks away at substances until they are perfect for an alcholic drink. This process is handled differently for different types of beverages.
For lagers and beer, barley and hops are used with yeast, which breaks down the ingredients. When yeast gets together with barley and hops, it finds the sugars inside of them and breaks them down. Also, for the different types of drinks in these categories, such as ale, the process is slightly different. For beer, the yeast is allowed to sink to the bottom. There, it breaks down the sugars creating beer. In ales, the process is opposite. The yeast floats to the top and starts breaking down sugars.
Wine is also made from fermentation. Wine is made from crushed grapes that are then fermented. Grapes have tons of sugar in them, so it is a perfect environment for the yeast to do its job. Using a different grape changes the taste and color of the wine. Also, age plays more of a factor in wine than beers or lagers.
If you prefer a stronger drink, you should know that it's much more difficult to make these than wines or beers. This is because the amount of alchol in a stronger drink is too much for the yeast to have any effect on. The process starts out much the same, with the yeasts breaking down whatever the primary ingredient is. However, the end result is much too watered down to be consumed. This is where distilling comes into play. Distilling is heating the alchol mixture to a boiling point. The alchohol then turns to a vapor, which is collected, cooled, and bottled. This is why these drinks taste MUCH more alcholic than beer or wine.
This is just a basic overview of fermentation. There are hundreds of different methods, and thousands of different beverages. The process is, at its heart, the same. Yeast is used to break down sugars in the primary ingredient, which, over time, converts it to an alcholic drink. I hope you enjoyed this article on the fermentation of alchol!
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